I Heart Tutus With an Attitude

I was watching T.V. ... MTV to be precise when this video came on .. Of course that it was like an hour long.. Not exaggerating it really was an hour long this is a snippet of that video ... but I love this part because I fell in love with those black tutus .... When I thought of tutus I thought of pink tutus that were puffy and droopy and looking glum yet graceful ... But the tutus in this video were black and were going out wards and they just looked more Black Swan which I am obsessed to right now and these tutus were also vibrant and had more attitude to them ... so I had to blog about my new found love for these type of tutus .... I hope you enjoy the video :)

I have some examples of the tutus under the post ;)

Traducción: Estaba viendo la television viendo ... MTV para ser precisos cuando este video comenzo .. Por supuesto que ese video que dieron en MTV duro como una hora .. No estoy exagerando realmente duro una hora esto tan solo es un fragmento de ese video ... pero me encanta esta parte porque me enamoré de los tutús negro ....yo siempre pienso en tutús rosados que estan hinchados y caídos y siempre van hacia abajo ... Pero estos sonnegros y se van para afuera a los lados no para abajo y tambien parecen más Black Swan o Cisne Negro y estoy obsesionado con esa pelicula ahora ... así que tuve que hacer un post en mi blog acerca de mi nuevo amor por este tipo de tutus .... Espero que disfruten el video :)

Tengo algunos ejemplos de los tutus debajo de este post ;)


1 comment:

  1. I picked up ballet again last year and I've always LOVED everything ballet-related in fashion! I think I'm totally going to use tutus and ballerinas as my inspiration when i design gourments!


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